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May 31

TRON Comic Trade Paperback

By TronFAQ on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 2:13 PM
Amazon is now listing a trade paperback for the TRON: The Ghost in the Machine comic from SLG Publishing, which will be a collection of all 6 issues into one book.

The price is listed at $13.57 U.S. (discounted) and has an estimated release date of June 29th, 2008.

Considering that issue #6 of the comic is still not out yet, this means that the final issue should become available around the same time as the paperback. It would be very odd for the collected paperback to pre-empt the actual comic itself, and conclude the story first!

A trade paperback that collects all the issues of the TRON comic into one book is, in a sense, both good and bad news. It's good because a lot of people prefer having just one book instead of several separate ones. And for those who haven't already bought the comic, it's a great way to attract them to the title. But releasing a paperback around the same time as the final issue, means that sales of that last issue will probably plummet as a result. I guess I just find it an odd decision to release a paperback so soon. If the release date at Amazon is correct, that is.

I think Amazon may have jumped the gun and released this information earlier than SLG would have liked. In fact, the paperback isn't even listed on SLG's site yet. Usually, trade paperbacks are announced long after a comic has finished its run.

Thanks to DaveTRON for the news!

May 23

TRON Comic Writer On Issue 6 And End Of Series

By TronFAQ on Friday, May 23, 2008 at 10:59 AM
Landry Walker, co-writer of the SLG Publishing title TRON: The Ghost In the Machine along with Eric Jones, recently posted his thoughts on issue #6: which is the last issue and will bring the comic series to a close.

In his posting, he mentions that the writing on issue #6 is finished.  He also posts some small previews of artwork from this last issue.

The tone of the writing in the post is very bittersweet in nature. Rather than repeat quotes from it here, I encourage everyone to read it for themselves. It's clear that Landry and pretty much all of the people involved in producing this comic were passionate about TRON, and I for one am extremely glad that the comic was written by such people: who were doing it for that reason alone, and not as a quick cash-in attempt. The comic turned out far more adult and serious than I had expected, and once again I can't thank them enough for it.

I could never understand why it took this long for an original comic based on TRON to appear. With no news of a film sequel in sight for such a long time, the story of the original film was practically begging to be explored further in other mediums. We did receive the TRON 2.0 game; but also releasing a comic seemed like a no-brainer.

It's sad seeing the series coming to an end, but — short of a sequel — at least the fans' remaining wish was granted, and a TRON comic was made. Thank you SLG, and thank you Landry and Eric.

TRON Guy At ROFLCon Video

By TronFAQ at 10:22 AM
Jay Maynard — better known as TRON Guy — attended this year's (first) ROFLCon at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a convention celebrating internet memes.

Jean Nagy of CurrentTV attended, and did this short video "documentary" on Jay and his experiences: both at the con, as well as the past four years since he started wearing the costume.  Thankfully, the video is a fairly serious take on the subject matter, rather than a spoof. Thumbs up to the people involved for not taking the latter route.

Thanks to Joe Brilliant at CurrentTV for the info!