Oct 14
TRON 2.0 On Mac OSX Leopard Now Possible

However, there are certain conditions that must be met:
- You must own a Mac with an Intel processor, not a PowerPC processor.
- You must own the Windows PC version of TRON 2.0, not the PowerPC version by MacPlay.
Below is a video showing TRON 2.0 running with CiderX on Snow Leopard. You could argue that CiderX is another code "fork" of CXZ, though that's oversimplifying things. I won't discuss CiderX any further, its legality is dubious since it relies on you obtaining Transgaming's Cider, which is a commercial product. While CXZ is free and open source. I just wanted to show an example of the game actually running on Leopard.
The video author states that the problems with the sound were the result of recording it to make the video, and that it actually works perfectly on CiderX. My understanding is that TRON 2.0 also works well on CXZ.
Being able to run the Windows PC version of the game, opens all sorts of possibilities in terms of mod content for the Mac. It might actually be possible to use the Killer App Mod, User Error, and the Complete Map Pack.
Unfortunately, I don't own a Mac so I can't try this out for myself and I can't give advice to anyone on how to get TRON 2.0 working with CXZ. However, there's a section on the Porting Team forum where you can get some instructions and help if you join their site.
If anyone manages to get TRON 2.0 running on Leopard - specifically if they're able to get any of the maps and mods working - please let me know so I can share it with the rest of the community. Thanks!
A fellow by the name of Kroc Camen put together a step-by-step guide on how to get the PC version of Tron 2.0 running on an Intel Mac using Leopard. Even using the Killer App Mod, no less. I suspected that the mods and maps would work using a wrapper (emulator), because we're using the PC version of the game here rather than the Mac version. This means Mac players will have no trouble playing against PC opponents online in Multiplayer, because they won't be missing out on the maps and mods.
He's using Wineskin, instead of CXZ which I wrote about. Both CXZ and Wineskin are free. But I'd say Wineskin is the better solution, actually. Since CXZ is a bit difficult to obtain and use, while Wineskin is readily available.
I've also known about alternative solutions like VMWare Fusion, Parallels, Crossover Games, and of course Boot Camp. But they all cost money. I was only interested in promoting a free solution to running Tron 2.0 on Leopard. Though, unfortunately for most, they will have to buy Tron 2.0 again and get the PC version instead of the MacPlay version. That is, if they want to be honest and not pirate it.
I will say, I had some problems doing this on Leopard. I just upped to Snow anticipating Lion and decided to give it one more chance - and I'm glad I did. It worked like a charm - EVERYTHING!!!!
Though I'm a little disappointed to not see any servers up on the grid (I know... it's 2 am)- it was good to at least see it working. Maybe I'll start hosting again. Long live the Users!
Nic (Eval)