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Aug 25

MacPlay Is No More

By TronFAQ on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 12:30 PM
A short time ago, I discovered that MacPlay no longer exists. Or, at least, not in its original form any more.

The company now calls itself MumboJumbo Premium Casual Games. Attempting to visit the old MacPlay site URL redirects you to the new site. They now create casual games for all platforms, rather than specializing in Mac titles.

Fortunately, patch files for all their older games are still available from their site. This includes the PowerPC Mac OSX version of TRON 2.0.

However, this does inevitably mean that no further patches for the Mac version of TRON 2.0 will be developed. Any bugs will not be fixed (such as the Dedicated Server not working on OSX 10.4 Tiger), and no new patch will be created to make the game work on OSX 10.5 Leopard.

It's sad to see TRON 2.0 being abandoned by MacPlay, but at least they have a slightly better track record than BVG/DIS. (Four years of being prominently listed on their site, versus less than two years at BVG.)
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6 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous January 07, 2009 10:18 PM
    That's too bad - Just found my old copy of Tron 2.0 and tried to load it on my new macbook pro with no luck. Looked for a patch and found this information - bummer!
  2. TronFAQ January 09, 2009 1:36 PM
    Well, if your Macbook Pro uses an Intel processor: then the Mac version of Tron 2.0 won't run on it, anyway. The Mac version of the game was created to run on the older PowerPC processor Macs.

    If you have an Intel Mac, you can just use Bootcamp with Windows XP or newer, and install the Windows version of Tron 2.0 along with the PC version patch.

    But if you have a PowerPC Mac and you're running OSX 10.5 Leopard . . . then, yeah, you are out of luck, unfortunately.
  3. Anonymous June 02, 2009 10:02 AM
    it's not quite true, TRON 2.0 runs fine on macintel, rosetta is the cause :)
  4. TronFAQ June 02, 2009 10:35 AM
    The PowerPC Mac version of Tron 2.0 might technically run on an Intel Mac by using Rosetta. But it won't run well.


    "Tron 2.0: Runs poorly under Rosetta"

    You're still better off just getting the Windows version of the game and running it in Windows, using Bootcamp. The PC version works well with the various custom maps and mods that have been made for the game. Getting the Mac version to work with maps is something of a hassle, and mods sometimes don't work at all.
  5. pep November 14, 2013 7:36 PM
    I have a mac 10.8.5 and I am screwed then
  6. TronFAQ November 15, 2013 9:34 PM
    Since the time that MacPlay was shut down, it's become possible to play the PC version of Tron 2.0 on OSX 10.5+ without needing Windows or Bootcamp.

    You can use Wineskin to run the game, which is free.


    But, yes, the MacPlay version of Tron 2.0 will only run on OSX 10.3 or 10.4.

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