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Jun 30

User Error And Killer App Mod - More Updates

By TronFAQ on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 1:58 PM
Our team has been keeping busy for the last three months: working on the next chapter in the series of User Error Single Player expansions, and also working on v1.2 of the Killer App Mod, for TRON 2.0 on the PC.  Today, we have some more video clips demonstrating features in both projects.

User Error 3 is currently at a pre-alpha stage, and the preview clips are tests that are not 100% final. As the project nears completion, you can likely expect changes from what you're seeing here today.

Here is a short clip of a test cutscene in UE3, that will probably end up as the introduction to the mission. The scene is quite long, but we're only showing you a small part of it now so as not to spoil the story too much.

Here's another test cutscene, from what might be a later stage in the mission.

This is a clip demonstrating a new feature that will be part of the mission. User Powers.

Your character will have certain powers like Flynn did, in the original TRON film. The power shown lets you steal other programs' faction colors and disguise yourself as one of them. This way, you can move around freely unless you attack an enemy, at which point the disguise will wear off. There will be a few other powers, as well.

Here's a demonstration showing how in v1.2 of the Killer App Mod, the Light Cycle colors in the Single Player part of the game will be unlocked all at once. TRON 2.0 has a limitation on the number of colors that can be unlocked at once. This meant using the Mod Manager application to swap back and forth between the original colors, and the new colors added by the mod.

In v1.2, this limitation has been overcome and now all the colors will be unlocked at once without the need to swap. This also helps eliminate the "Player.txt file not found" error (or similar) you would get in the Mod Manager, if you change your Profile name after installing the mod.

This issue never affected Multiplayer. All the Light Cycle colors were always available there.

As before, we don't have an estimate on the total number of levels for UE3, or a specific ETA, at this time. But we're looking to create a fairly lengthy campaign (close to the same length as User Error 2), and hoping to have the project done before the end of 2013.

For v1.2 of the Killer App Mod, we're hoping to have it done and released by the end of 2012.

Thanks from the User Error and Killer App Mod teams, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum or leave a comment here.
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