Mar 31
BVG Servers Gone For Good
UPDATE: There's something I wanted to add, based on a message post I read somewhere.
The fact that BVG took down their servers, DOES NOT mean you can no longer play TRON 2.0 Multiplayer. There are still servers being run by fans. There are people still playing online. But you need to install a Multiplayer Fix before trying to go online.
As if this came as any big surprise.
Fellow LDSO member Win3K took the opportunity to e-mail BVG (Buena Vista Games), to ask about the status of their TRON 2.0 Multiplayer servers. Here's the response from BVG customer support.
The fact that they just shut them down, without any kind of formal announcement . . . well, you don't want to know what I think.
The fact that BVG took down their servers, DOES NOT mean you can no longer play TRON 2.0 Multiplayer. There are still servers being run by fans. There are people still playing online. But you need to install a Multiplayer Fix before trying to go online.
As if this came as any big surprise.
Fellow LDSO member Win3K took the opportunity to e-mail BVG (Buena Vista Games), to ask about the status of their TRON 2.0 Multiplayer servers. Here's the response from BVG customer support.
Thank you for writing.
There are currently no dedicated servers available for the game and no plans to bring them back in the future. All multiplayer games, if any are available, are currently being hosted by individuals who own the software. To view any multiplayer games currently available online, you will need the most current update available from our website at:
If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know. When writing include all prior correspondence in your e-mail reply.
BVG Mark Escarcega
Buena Vista Games
The fact that they just shut them down, without any kind of formal announcement . . . well, you don't want to know what I think.
Dear Sean,
Thank you for writing.
As of July 8, 2005; Tron ( was taken
down. The site is now being redirected to the Buena Vista Games product page for Tron 2.0
We are sad about this but have left you all in very good hands: Fan sites such as (TRON 2.0 FAQ: or (TRON SECTOR: have an excellent fan base that bring you a vast array of tools (Mods, Maps and Skins), information that cannot be
found anywhere else on the web. We thank all of you who monitored, participated and provided
feedback to those that were in need.
The official Tron 2.0 cumulative update patch can be found here: Click on Updates & Downloads. The
unofficial update patch can be found through various fan sites.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know.
When writing include all prior correspondence in your e-mail reply. If you prefer to contact us by
phone, our Customer Support team is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time):
For Sales, please call the toll free number 1-800-900-9234 (US & Canada)
For Technical support, please call the toll free number 1-800-228-0988 (Outside the US call
BVG Claire Lutton
Buena Vista Games
Original Message Follows:
Your Name: Sean Zook
E-Mail Address: xxxx_one*
Product: [--- Select a Product ---]
YourComments: Why did you shut down the BVG Tron 2.0 Game Servers? Continuing Fans of your
game are very disappointed in the loss of servers. There has been influx of activity in the TRON fan base and Tron 2.0 recently due to the Release of Kingdom Hearts 2 which features TRON. All fans of
TRON 2.0 request that you please reconsider your removal of the TRON 2.0 Game Servers they are
greatly missed by your TRON fan base.
Sean Zook
Thanks, BVG, you're such good help. If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to get a lame e-mail from me repeating my lame old self.
Best wishes,
Strager Neds
1. She didn't answer your question. Instead, you got a prepared boiler-plate response that they send to everybody. (That's why I'm shocked Win3K actually got a real response.)
2. We are sad about this but have left you all in very good hands: Fan sites such as (TRON 2.0 FAQ: or (TRON SECTOR: have an excellent fan base that bring you a vast array of tools (Mods, Maps and Skins), information that cannot be found anywhere else on the web. We thank all of you who monitored, participated and provided
feedback to those that were in need.
In other words, we could care less about you. She could have answered your question properly, but rather told you to go elsewhere for an answer. Go to other sites for help: because we don't want to do our jobs properly, and support our product.
I also find it amusing that they're still directing people to my FAQ site, when the first words people will be greeted with is "BVG Sucks". :)
I wish I could say the shutting down of the servers and this whole situation, was an April Fool's joke. But it's not.
You know, there has to be a lawyer out there who also happens to be a fan of TRON, who would be interested in this story. Because I think there would be a very strong case here, for a class-action lawsuit.
I don't think what this needs is suing.
Well, that was my April Fool's joke. I was hoping someone would call me on that. :)
Unfortunately, the rest of this situation is still not a joke. BVG really did shut down the servers, and their customer support really is terrible.
Yeah, they could have given a heads up. I am pretty sure they did make a statement on the sites main page that it was going to be terminated.
Aside from giving BVG/DIS a bad time for taking down a site...I actually had an issue with the game when I first installed it back in 2004. I had that game for months and kept getting this lame error in this codec that evidently screwed everything up. I called the number; imagine that, they actually provide a number, and I got one of their techs. I think it was Richard or Robert, I don't recall. Anyway, he explained completely what was happening and what needed to be done...I figured oh great like I will remember all that. He walked me through removing the old codec software, renaming files etc and got me up and running, he even suggested i install the patch prior to running the game so I didn't have any of the save issues. He suggested I get the no cd crack off the net! Personally, whoever he was he ROCKS! I think you are pointing your snyed remarks to the wrong people. BVG/DIS still supports the game from what I can see on their site. I guess we should be glad the Russians (on usually 3-9 pm CST) love the game more than the US&CA. At least they have kept the multiplayer servers alive.
Quit your whining. When you have more money than god, Disney will probably sell you their copyright to the Tron legacy. Otherwise it's like trying to tap a virgins ass before you pluck her cherry!
Yeah, they could have given a heads up. I am pretty sure they did make a statement on the sites main page that it was going to be terminated.
No, they didn't. The original site was gone almost a year before their multiplayer servers went down. They shut them down quietly, without a word.
He walked me through removing the old codec software, renaming files etc and got me up and running, he even suggested i install the patch prior to running the game so I didn't have any of the save issues. He suggested I get the no cd crack off the net! Personally, whoever he was he ROCKS! I think you are pointing your snyed remarks to the wrong people.
Well, good for you. Glad to know at least one tech support person there does (or did, if he still works there) know what they're doing.
But, I'm sorry, when someone sends you a canned form letter: they're not doing their job and deserve any criticism or scorn they get.
BVG/DIS still supports the game from what I can see on their site.
Yeah, right. That's why the game isn't even listed on their site any more, and it's why you can't find an e-mail address or phone number. Because their support is so excellent. What are they afraid of, that they won't post contact information on their site for their customers to use?
Quit your whining.
Like you haven't, on some subject you care about? Everybody whines. Don't try to take some moral high ground, where it doesn't exist. We're all guilty of it. And sometimes it can have a positive effect or make a difference. The "whining" is justified. Though I prefer to call it "complaining", myself. :)
But, that's not the only thing, they sell so many bad CDs, giving people MFC error msgs, I bet half never played o the updates, or multiplayer, which were crap, since everyone prefered the bugs, when they fixed them.
Disney Interactive my ass. To top it all off, They fired the two artists who helped bring the concept to the bigwigs, a loyal following of Tron, back-stabbed by these bigots.
History: Hit esc and play.
Here's the news the day I bought the game:
I dont know that a lawsuit would help this game, but something is better than nothing.
Since your wording wasn't very clear Anon, I thought you were referring to the servers when you said: "I am pretty sure they did make a statement on the sites main page that it was going to be terminated."
Well guess what, even when the Tron 2.0 site was shut down there was no announcement on the main page. You had to go into the discussion forum to find that out.
And if you'd followed the history of this company and all of their actions, you would know that much of the criticism is justified. But clearly you haven't.
At least they did have the decency to announce the shutdown of the site in some form, I'll give them that. Whereas with the servers they did not. Of course, since there was no longer a site or forum to post a notice on, that makes it a little tough eh? But why should they bother informing their customers, when there are so few left playing anyway. Who cares, right?
And if the "Robert" who helped you is the same Robert I think it is, then I'm not surprised he really did a great job of helping you out. He's one of the few BVG employees who actually cared enough to take the time to talk to us even outside of work.
BTW, I know BVG (yeah, I'm still calling the company BVG) puts contact information in the game packaging itself. And maybe they leave it off their site because they're trying to avoid spam and telemarketing calls. But I think it has a whole lot more to do with discouraging people from using support. (I mean, who really wants to get help from a company in the form of online live chat? Is this what kind of support customers should expect for their money?)
Speaking of which, I know people who do (or did) work at BVG have been reading these comments. Let me lay it all on the line now, since I know you are reading.
I worked in customer service for many years. And I hated every minute of it. A lot of customers were mean and cruel, and made comments that were completely unjustified. But sometimes . . . sometimes, they actually were right.
Every company has its share of both great and not-so-great people working in its customer service department. And even the best can have a bad day, where they say "screw it" and don't do their utmost to help out.
I'm not necessarily blaming the people on the frontlines for the poor support. The real problem is the management. How can the tech support people do their best, when they're not rewarded for it? And in fact, the management is doing its best to cut back on the support because it "costs too much" in order to "stay competitive"?
And it's not like BVG is the only company doing it. This problem is endemic with the entire video game industry.
But BVG is one of the worst examples I've ever seen. Rather than be a leader and follow up on that "we want to be the best new breakout publisher" manifesto they keep touting, they are followers. As a division of Disney, they're definitely not setting a great example.