Feb 13
All TRON 2.0 Files In One Place
If you own a newer Intel Mac, read this article about how to play the game on OSX 10.5 (Leopard) or later.
For better descriptions, screenshots, and additional help with these files: visit my Unofficial FAQ.
Last Updated 04/28/19
Essential Files
Here is a list of the must-have files for the PC Version of TRON 2.0. The remainder of the files listed on this page are optional.
IZArc - Mirror 1 - 3.6 MB
IZArc - Mirror 2
Free utility that can extract files from .ZIP, .RAR, .7Z, and other compression formats. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.3D-Analyze - Mirror 1 - 953 KB
3D-Analyze - Mirror 2
A program that allows you to bypass the Transform and Lighting (aka T&L or TnL) check, if your video card doesn't meet the game's minimum hardware requirements. The game may run slowly as a result, but at least it will run. Find out how to use it, HERE. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP.Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 1 - 46 MB
Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 2
Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 3
Unofficial v1.042 English Patch, that improves on the Official one. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10. You will not be able to play Multiplayer online without the Multiplayer Fix below! Note that all your older Single Player saved games will become useless, and you will have to start over!
(download the Killer App Mod to change the Unofficial Patch to Français/Deutsch/Italiano/Español)- TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 1 - 339 MB
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 2
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 3
The TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod enhances the game in many ways, including: 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen support, adding new characters to Multiplayer, new KMX Skins that replace the previous release along with other newly created skins, new Light Cycle colors, new weapons in Derez, other game fixes, and much more. It also adds Français/Deutsch/Italiano/Español language support to the Unofficial v1.042 Patch. Version 1.1a adds support for the Steam version of TRON 2.0, fixes bugs, and restores Multiplayer support in-game on the Retail CD/DVD, Steam, and GOG versions. Tested on XP/Vista/7/8/10, and should also work on 98/Me/2000. Everyone must be using the mod together online in order to benefit from the new features in Multiplayer, this includes the server hosting the game. Note that all your older Single Player saved games will not load while the mod is enabled, but you will probably want to start over anyway due to the fixes to Single Player.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!) - Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 1 - 732 MB
Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 2
Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 3
This new self-installing map pack contains every fan-made Multiplayer custom map released as of 02/21/13. Now it's easier than ever to obtain all the Multiplayer maps and install them with just a few clicks of the mouse. Every Light Cycle, Disc Arena, and Derez map all in one download. The installed maps require about 2.2 GB of hard drive space. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(using a download manager is strongly recommended) - User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 1 - 62 MB
User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 2
User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 3
User Error Parts 1 and 2 are a two-part Single Player expansion mod for TRON 2.0. If you plan to use the Killer App Mod, User Error must be installed afterward. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(updated version that self-installs, and adds proper widescreen support when used with the Killer App Mod) Games for Windows Live - 53.6 MB
A newer version of GfWL than what's available on the Microsoft site. The version of GfWL on the disc for TRON Evolution on PC is out of date, and won't install on Windows 8 or later. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.
How do I install and use the Killer App Mod?
Killer App Mod Help and Troubleshooting Guide
How do I use these maps after installing them?
How do I install and use the User Error mod Parts 1 and 2?
Patches and Utilities
TRON 2.0 Demo - Mirror 1 - 202.7 MB
TRON 2.0 Demo - Mirror 2
This is the final "Gold" TRON 2.0 demo that Monolith released, with both Single Player and Multiplayer content. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10. If you don't already own TRON 2.0 and want to find out if it's any good, then try out this demo. But it doesn't really do justice to the full game. This demo is for PC owners only. No Mac demo was ever released. The demo version will not allow you to play online together with people who have the full version of the game.Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 1 - 46 MB
Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 2
Unofficial TRON 2.0 PC v1.042 Patch - Mirror 3
Unofficial v1.042 English Patch, that improves on the Official one. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10. You will not be able to play Multiplayer online without this patch! Note that all your older Single Player saved games will become useless, and you will have to start over!
(download the Killer App Mod to change the Unofficial Patch to Français/Deutsch/Italiano/Español)TRON 2.0 Mac OSX 10.4 Patch - Mirror 1 - 259 KB
TRON 2.0 Mac OSX 10.4 Patch - Mirror 2
Mac Version OSX 10.4 (Tiger) Patch, that fixes the problems with the game not installing on Tiger and rejecting a valid serial number (CD key). Go HERE for a workaround that allows the game to run on OSX 10.5 (Leopard) or later.Replacement TronLauncher.exe for Steam version of TRON 2.0 - 8 KB
Replacing the existing TronLauncher.exe with this should stop the "endless looping" problem that occurs during installation of the Steam version of TRON 2.0, for most people. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.Games for Windows Live - 53.6 MB
A newer version of GfWL than what's available on the Microsoft site. The version of GfWL on the disc for TRON Evolution on PC is out of date, and won't install on Windows 8 or later. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.3D-Analyze - Mirror 1 - 953 KB
3D-Analyze - Mirror 2
A program that allows you to bypass the Transform and Lighting (aka T&L or TnL) check, if your video card doesn't meet the game's minimum hardware requirements. The game may run slowly as a result, but at least it will run. Find out how to use it, HERE. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP.Game Booster - Approx. 5.5 MB
A free utility that lets you shut down unneeded tasks and services, to help improve your game performance. Works on 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.Radeon Pro - Approx. 2.3 MB
Free utility that allows you to control anti-aliasing, vsync, and many other settings on ATI/AMD video cards to improve the visuals or performance of your games. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.Nvidia Inspector - Approx. 286 KB
Free utility that allows you to control anti-aliasing, vsync, and many other settings on Nvidia video cards to improve the visuals or performance of your games. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.Game Save Manager - Approx. 7.5 MB
Free program that lets you back up saved games from titles like TRON 2.0, TRON Evolution, and many others. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.IZArc - Mirror 1 - 3.6 MB
IZArc - Mirror 2
Free utility that can extract files from .ZIP, .RAR, .7Z, and other compression formats. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.Stuffit Expander - Approx. 30 MB
Free utility for the Mac that can extract files from .ZIP, .RAR, and other compression formats.
Recent Light Cycle Multiplayer Map releases
This section is meant so that you can download any recent Light Cycle map releases, without having to download the entire Complete Map Pack just to get a few new maps when you already have them all. However, if you don't have any maps at all yet, then download the Complete Map Pack instead.
- How do I install and use these maps?
- No recent map releases at this time.
Recent Disc Arena Multiplayer Map releases
This section is meant so that you can download any recent Disc Arena map releases, without having to download the entire Complete Map Pack just to get a few new maps when you already have them all. However, if you don't have any maps at all yet, then download the Complete Map Pack instead.
- How do I install and use these maps?
- No recent map releases at this time.
Recent Derez Multiplayer Map releases
This section is meant so that you can download any recent Derez map releases, without having to download the entire Complete Map Pack just to get a few new maps when you already have them all. However, if you don't have any maps at all yet, then download the Complete Map Pack instead.
- How do I install and use these maps?
- No recent map releases at this time.
Multiplayer Mods
- How do I install and use the Killer App Mod?
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 1 - 339 MB
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 2
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 3
The TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod enhances the game in many ways, including: 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen support, adding new characters to Multiplayer, new KMX Skins that replace the previous release along with other newly created skins, new Light Cycle colors, new weapons in Derez, other game fixes, and much more. It also adds Français/Deutsch/Italiano/Español language support to the Unofficial v1.042 Patch. Version 1.1a adds support for the Steam version of TRON 2.0, fixes bugs, and restores Multiplayer support in-game on the Retail CD/DVD, Steam, and GOG versions. Tested on XP/Vista/7/8/10, and should also work on 98/Me/2000. Everyone must be using the mod together online in order to benefit from the new features in Multiplayer, this includes the server hosting the game. Note that all your older Single Player saved games will not load while the mod is enabled, but you will probably want to start over anyway due to the fixes to Single Player.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)Ancient Disc Mod TCDG Version - Mirror 1 - 656 KB
Ancient Disc Mod TCDG Version - Mirror 2
If you plan to use the Killer App Mod, the Ancient Disc mod must be installed beforehand. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)KMX Legacy Disc Mod v1.1a TCDG Version - Mirror 1 - 1.4 MB
KMX Legacy Disc Mod v1.1a TCDG Version - Mirror 2
Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 1 - 732 MB
Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 2
Complete Map Pack 02.21.2013 release - Mirror 3
This new self-installing map pack contains every fan-made Multiplayer custom map released as of 02/21/13. Now it's easier than ever to obtain all the Multiplayer maps and install them with just a few clicks of the mouse. Every Light Cycle, Disc Arena, and Derez map all in one download. The installed maps require about 2.2 GB of hard drive space. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(using a download manager is strongly recommended)TRON Evolution PC Multiplayer Map Pack #1 DLC - 151 MB
Adds official Multiplayer Map Pack #1 DLC maps Codestream Nexus and User's Plaza to the game. Works on XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(compatible with both Retail DVD and Steam versions of TRON Evolution)
Killer App Mod Help and Troubleshooting Guide
What does TCDG mean?
How do I use these maps after installing them?
Single Player Mods
- How do I install and use the Killer App Mod?
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 1 - 339 MB
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 2
TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a - Mirror 3
The TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod enhances the game in many ways, including: 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen support, adding new characters to Multiplayer, new KMX Skins that replace the previous release along with other newly created skins, new Light Cycle colors, new weapons in Derez, other game fixes, and much more. It also adds Français/Deutsch/Italiano/Español language support to the Unofficial v1.042 Patch. Version 1.1a adds support for the Steam version of TRON 2.0, fixes bugs, and restores Multiplayer support in-game on the Retail CD/DVD, Steam, and GOG versions. Tested on XP/Vista/7/8/10, and should also work on 98/Me/2000. Everyone must be using the mod together online in order to benefit from the new features in Multiplayer, this includes the server hosting the game. Note that all your older Single Player saved games will not load while the mod is enabled, but you will probably want to start over anyway due to the fixes to Single Player.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)Ancient Disc Mod TCDG Version - Mirror 1 - 656 KB
Ancient Disc Mod TCDG Version - Mirror 2
If you plan to use the Killer App Mod, the Ancient Disc mod must be installed beforehand. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)KMX Legacy Disc Mod v1.1a TCDG Version - Mirror 1 - 1.4 MB
KMX Legacy Disc Mod v1.1a TCDG Version - Mirror 2
Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(requires you to install v1.042 Patch first!)- User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 1 - 62 MB
User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 2
User Error v1.1a: Parts 1 and 2 - Mirror 3
User Error Parts 1 and 2 are a two-part Single Player expansion mod for TRON 2.0. If you plan to use the Killer App Mod, User Error must be installed afterward. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
(updated version that self-installs, and adds proper widescreen support when used with the Killer App Mod)
Killer App Mod Help and Troubleshooting Guide
How do I install and use the User Error mod Parts 1 and 2?
What does TCDG mean?
Map Editing
TRON 2.0 Self-Installing Editing Tools v1.2a - Mirror 1 - 170 MB
TRON 2.0 Self-Installing Editing Tools v1.2a - Mirror 2
Tools installer works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10. ResEdit component of WinREZ LT Studio only works on 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10. It's recommended to do a Custom install of WinREZ and not choose ResEdit as part of the install. Use XN Resource Editor instead. If using a 64-bit version of Windows, do not install the Shell Extensions feature of WinREZ.
(includes Prefabs, tutorial videos, .LTA Model Exporter Script for Blender, WinREZ LT Studio, XN Resource Editor)Game Extractor Basic - Approx. 3.3 MB
A program that lets you open existing .REZ files and extract their contents, using a friendly GUI. This is a Java-based program that is especially useful to Mac owners (but also works on the PC), as it has some of the same functionality as WinRez LT.- .DXF/.STL to Lithtech .LTA World Format Converter - Mirror 1 - 4 MB
.DXF/.STL to Lithtech .LTA World Format Converter - Mirror 2
Converts .DXF/.STL format geometry to Lithtech .LTA world geometry (used by TRON 2.0), to help create maps/levels in DEdit. Free modelling programs such as Blender can export to both the .DXF and .STL formats. Works on 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Many thanks to LDSO, and schmatzler at tron.hirnschwund.net, for currently hosting some of these files, and dev0.de for hosting them in the past!
Riley Pizt
If the problem persists, I'll create new mirrors for the files.
In the meantime, the video tutorials and tools can also be downloaded from TRON-Sector.
Video Tutorials on TRON-Sector
TRON Editing Tools on TRON-Sector
I have no intention of writing up the tutorials in text, because seeing as well as hearing what needs to be done is far more effective than reading from a page and studying a few screenshots.
I'm not here to sound ungrateful - I am a huge fan and have a high appreciation for the work that this would take, and for the TRON franchise as well.
Hope some news or the mod surfaces soon.
Thanks. :)
I added a statement over in the comments of the post when the mod was released:
Doesn't actually say where I need to extract the maps I download from
Little help? PC Vista. I don't care about making my own, I just don't like being kicked out of Multiplayer games because I don't have the map.
Only shows how to install maps via rez handler.
Rez handler, when I install it says a part is missing or corrupted.
You can email me baldy_z@yahoo.com
Sounds to me like you're saying when you try to install REZ Handler, it doesn't work? That's probably because the download is incomplete. Try downloading it again.
If you really just want to install the maps manually, this section of my FAQ explains how:
Do you have another mirror or do you need space for hosting it?
Cheers murphy from dev0.de ;)
The files here, on this page, should be unaffected by the move.
Thank you for hosting Tron 2.0 files, and allowing me to link to them as mirrors. Much appreciated!
but anyway cheers for hosting all of these files!
But now I'm trying to D/L Killer app and yer site just opens a dupe window and no downloading going on...
Where can I get this app?
However, a new version is coming to replace it. It will have some added features and other new improvements. The new version should become available some time in the next couple of months.
@data_ghost: The broken link for DA-7982 has been fixed.
But in the meantime, here's the link to the (beta) maps:
As for models, you can use the .LTB to .X converter, and load the resulting .X files into Maya or Max if you have the right plugin. The models won't have any skeletons or animations, though. Just the mesh/shell.
The good news is that I'll eventually be taking a Maya scriping class. That way I can finally update the exporter/importer to Maya 8.5.
Your only option right now is to run the game on 10.4 Tiger, if you want to play the game on a PowerPC Mac.
I've tried to convert Jet from LTB to x but LTB2X keeps giving me Tragic Errors, are there any suggestions how i can make it to work. And is there any program that can convert LTA to x or other files ?
As for converting .LTA files to another format, there's no easy way that I know of. You'd need an old version of Maya (version 4.0) to use the Tron tools plug-in to import the .LTA files, and export them back out as something else.
Call me Caple Ochi PT. My name.
Maya PLE is on the TRON 2.0 DVD. just need to register to get a code --- if you live outside CAN/USA, like me, you're fxxxed. Or forced to go illegal ways... which we don't, of course.
Two questions:
Any new updates to the blender .ltf im/exporter available?
Anyone got the old Killer App mod? I'd like to have it, since it doesn't seem that the new one comes out sometime sooner than never... :-)
have a nice nicrocycle.
I will update my mirror from Tron next days when i got more time.
Hete it is: http://games.dev0.de/Tron_2.0/
Cheers, murphy
Love the music off this thing. :)
Long live Tron 2.0 and Tron Legacy!
I have windows 7 x64 and I installed Tron 2.0 with Killer App Mod.
Unfortunately I can't get the sound working (no music, no subtitles even turned ON, no sound and no speech in-game). I tried everything in the many FAQs available on the web but no solutions. :(
My driver is SoundMax Audio and my PC is a HP Compaq 6735s laptop. Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.
From what I've been able to find out, you're not the only one having trouble with the SoundMax chip. A lot of folks have trouble getting it to work properly.
Apparently, getting the right Windows driver for your specific version of the SoundMax chip (there's been more than one version of the chip) is difficult and likely the cause of the sound not working.
Try visiting the link below, download the driver, and install it. It might help.
First, I would like to thank you A LOT for the patches and the Killer App Mod because my Tron 2.0 game is now running well only thanks to those.
But there's just one thing. My game was bought in France, so the audio is French. Since I installed the Killer App, the text is in English at last, but the audio is still French.
I searched but could not find a way to get the English audio.
So I wished to know if there was any way to get the English audio through Killer App Mod or actually through any other way.
Thanks anyway,
PS: If anyone knows a way, please email me: clairelonia@free.fr
I love this game
1) Install Tron game from disk
2) Install Tron Unoffical update_v1x042ceng.exe
3) Restart computer in safe mode. (Windows 10 (shift+restart))
4) Run ka_mod_v1x1a.exe in Safe Mode to install mod.
5) Restart computer in Normal mode.
6) For 3D game play open Properties on Lithtech.exe file and remove
compatibility & admin run mode.
And remove compatibility for Tron.exe file, but check (Run as
7) Enjoy the fully functional game in 1080p with 3D glasses.
The game creates some config files that the mod needs to edit. If the config files aren't there, you get that error you're talking about.
So try running the game, quit from the main menu, then try installing the mod again.
If you still can't get it to work, visit the page linked above and scroll down to the part that says "When the game starts, all I see is a black screen". Follow the instructions there, run the game, then try installing the mod again. Ignore the part about "Disable desktop composition" since you're on Windows 10. But do the "Run this program as an administrator" part.
If you have the Retail disc or GOG version of TRON 2.0, you'll have to find the Lithtech.exe file in your Tron 2.0 folder yourself. (The instructions on the page above show how to find Lithtech.exe on the Steam version of the game.)
This also would seem to indicate you're not using the Steam version of TRON 2.0, as the InstallShield installer isn't used in the Steam version's installation process.
A search – using the full text description of that error – online provides many results with suggestions on what the problem could be. For example, it might indicate your game download/image is corrupt/incomplete, and needs to be downloaded again. Or it could be the result of an anti-virus/anti-malware not allowing installation to complete properly.
If you do own the Steam version of TRON 2.0, running the InstallShield executables in the TRON 2.0 folder isn't going to help get the game working. Don't use them. You'll need to solve your issue a different way.
The launcher still only allows the same resolutions as the base game. Nothing is different in the slightest.
What's up with that? Did I install into the wrong directory or something?