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Mar 26

TRON Sequel/Remake Poll

By TronFAQ on Sunday, March 26, 2006 at 4:07 PM
Hey, this is one of those times where I'm actually talking about something other than the game! Imagine that. :)

Just for fun, I thought I'd post a poll asking what everyone thinks about the situation with a follow-up TRON film from Disney.

The fact that the development of another TRON film has dragged on this long without any significant progress, is pretty discouraging. I personally think that if Disney brought back Steven Lisberger and teamed with Pixar (which Disney now happens to own) to do the CGI, a TRON sequel (not remake) would be a smash hit. The world is ready for TRON now. Back in 1982, it was way above most people's heads. But today, computers surround us everywhere. They've invaded everyone's personal lives, and we can't escape them any longer. A film touching upon how computers affect our lives is much more relevant today, to your average movie-goer. That, and the fact that they've become used to CGI special effects: makes a new TRON film a sure bet.

But don't take my word for it. Let's see what the people out there think, by checking the poll results and the various TRON site message boards. You out there Disney? Are you paying attention to the TRON fan sites? You should be. In fact, I know you are . . . you just won't admit it.

December 6th, 2008 UPDATE: This poll is now closed. Please see this article for the results. Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll!
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1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous March 27, 2006 7:49 AM
    In my opinion, I would like a sequel to the game. This may encourage the movie goers to buy the origional movie, as well as the missing link in between. Of course, this might backfire, but I'm sure it will attract at least some attention to the game. However, Disney must assume that most people do not own the game and/or already, and give a prologue or something to show the viewers what importent events have shaped the characters, who "Tron" really is, etc.

    Happy coding,
    Strager Neds

    P.S. If another comment by me appears, I'm sorry. I pressed the pretty button too early. Purging is fine. ;)

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