A companion to the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ that provides up-to-date
news about the TRON 2.0 gaming community and TRON in general.

If you're having trouble with the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod
Read this Troubleshooting Guide

Aug 30

I AM A TRON FAN Campaign

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 4:28 PM
TRON-Sector admin DaveTRON has come up with a really intriguing idea for a campaign, to let the people at Disney know that we want to see another TRON film.

His plan is for TRON fans to (preferably) record themselves on video, or send in a photo, with a message stating how they are a TRON fan and want to see a film sequel. The videos will be collected and put together into one longer piece, along with the photos, and then sent to Disney.

I also have plans for mailing a hard-copy of the TRON 2.0 Petition in the near future: so hopefully the combination one-two punch, will have a significant effect.

If you want to participate or simply find out more, visit this message thread on Tron-Sector and make yourself seen and heard!

Second Screening Of Visual Futurist

By TronFAQ at 3:57 PM
The documentary Visual Futurist: The Art & Life of Syd Mead by director Joaquin Montalvan, will have a second screening at the Big Bear Lake International Film Festival, which is taking place September 15-17, 2006 in Big Bear Lake, California.

If you missed the premiere screening at the Dances With Films festival, then here is another chance for some of you to see it!

I'll update this article, once I have a specific date and time for the screening.

September 6th UPDATE: The film will be screened on Saturday, September 16th, at 1:30 PM. Get ticket information HERE.

Aug 29

New TRON Area In Disney's Virtual Magic Kingdom

By TronFAQ on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 7:55 PM
Wow, just when you thought nothing new was happening with TRON at Disney: along comes something to surprise us all.

Fellow LDSO member Mor.Evil-1 reports that Disney Online's Virtual Magic Kingdom — which is sort of a combined game and chat room in one for kids — has just added a TRON room to the lineup.

Sample screenshot of the TRON room

Check out the message thread posted by Mor.Evil-1 on the LDSO site, as he posts more upcoming screenshots and further details.

I wonder . . . is this the end result of the TRON MMO rumor I heard about? Or is this a different project, and we can still expect something else to arrive in the future?

Aug 28

Boxhat Down Again

By TronFAQ on Monday, August 28, 2006 at 10:35 PM
Boxhat has been down again since this morning. I've been in contact with Bigred, and he's aware of it. He's working to get the site back up once more.

August 29th UPDATE: The site went back up some time this morning. Thankfully, it went quicker than last time! :)

Aug 16

TRON20.NET Is Now Completely Useless

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 2:05 PM
If you type in the address http://www.tron20.net, you will now be redirected to the BVG front page.

And rather than fix the mistakes I pointed out back in my BVG Updates Web Site: Killer App Now Available For PC! (HUMOR) article, they've decided to simply de-list TRON 2.0 from the site entirely.

Now you know why I won't likely — ever — buy another BVG product again. Game companies with horrible support and business practices like this, don't deserve our hard-earned money.

Aug 15

A Couple More TRON Videos

By TronFAQ on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 7:04 PM

TRON Spoof

Check this one out . . . a clip of the TRON segment in the Video Games Live tour!

I found it interesting that every time an actor would have appeared on the screen on stage, video from the TRON 2.0 game was substituted instead. (Probably because the actors would have to be compensated for their appearances on-screen.) This makes for a nice advertisement for the game, I suppose. Provided anyone in the audience actually figures out where the scenes came from.

Aug 11

Boxhat Is Temporarily Down

By TronFAQ on Friday, August 11, 2006 at 11:07 AM
The online TRON 2.0 community has had a bit of a bumpy ride lately, with the LDSO site and Unofficial FAQ down for a while . . . and now Boxhat has been down for over 24 hours.

But I know that Bigred (the site owner) is aware of the problem, and is working to get the site back up again shortly.

August 14th UPDATE: Boxhat has gone back online, within the last few hours. (Which at the time of this update, is just after midnight on Monday the 14th.)

Aug 05

LDSO Site Is Back

By TronFAQ on Saturday, August 05, 2006 at 11:32 AM

The LDSO site is back, with a new address: http://www.ldso.net!

The forum and its content has been completely preserved. Members will still be able to log in using their original account name and password. All member accounts were saved, in the site's transfer to the new address.

File downloads have also been restored. So you'll be able to grab all the maps and other files again, that have been created by LDSO members.

Now that the site is back online, the Unofficial TRON 2.0 FAQ will be returning shortly! I just need to finish making some updates to it. Expect it to return before the weekend is over (if all goes as planned).

August 8th UPDATE: A couple of days late . . . but the Unofficial FAQ is back online. Not only that, it's now up to date too. The link in the grey sidebar, to the right, will take you to the updated FAQ.

The FAQ will answer many of your questions about the game, such as: what are the names of all the maps and mods available, and what do they look like (screenshots); what bugs are in the game, and how to do you get around them; what are the cheat codes for Single Player; Walkthroughs with screenshots for the first 12 levels (so far, more are on the way); and much more.

Current Poll Results

By TronFAQ at 9:49 AM
I thought it would be interesting to check in on the results of the site's polls, so far. Here's where they currently stand.

As we can see . . . so far it's pretty clear that the vast majority of fans want to see a sequel to TRON, with director Steven Lisberger at the helm.

It's been almost a 50/50 split between those who already bought the comic, and those who voted that they still intended to buy it. And so far, virtually everyone who voted has shown an interest in the comic.

Opinions on the first issue were almost evenly split again, between "great" and "okay". Meanwhile, no one said they disliked it. (Which is pretty amazing!)

If you'd like to vote in the polls yourself: they will remain open for an indefinite period of time. You can now find them on the right side of the page, in the grey sidebar area, toward the bottom.

Aug 04

More Cool TRON Videos And A Steven Lisberger Interview

By TronFAQ on Friday, August 04, 2006 at 10:02 PM
While searching on YouTube again, I found some more cool TRON videos.

Cool TRON Techno Music Video

MCP Cameo on South Park

(Don't watch if you're easily offended by religious humor)

There was also one that popped up recently on YouTube, with the sweet TRON parody from Family Guy . . . but YouTube removed it. Fortunately, I found another source.

Family Guy TRON Parody (in .WMV format)

I also stumbled upon a Steven Lisberger interview from a couple of years ago, back when the (then) new 20th Anniversary 70mm film print was being screened in 2004. I'd never read it before: so I thought it might be "new" to most of you, as well.

UGO Interview with Steven Lisberger

Aug 02

TRON Comic Issue 2 Now In September

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 11:19 PM

SLG Publishing just updated their site again today, and now TRON: The Ghost In the Machine Issue #2 is listed as a September release. Major bummer.

I imagine the insane demands of the latest San Diego Comicon on the schedules of everyone involved, has something to do with this delay.