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Jan 22

Steven Lisberger Appearance On Hollywood Goes Gaming

By TronFAQ on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 9:03 PM
The Starz Entertainment network has been airing the pilot episode — for a potential new series — called Hollywood Goes Gaming, in repeats for the last couple of months.

Among the people interviewed, is TRON Director Steven Lisberger. In fact, he is apparently the first person interviewed in the episode.

I have not watched the show, because I don't receive Starz. But according to a couple of reviews here and here, Lisberger speaks at length about how well the TRON arcade games did compared to the film. And about how they pioneered the idea of the video game tie-in to go with a Hollywood motion picture.

He also discusses, again, how TRON was denied an Academy award for special effects because — at the time — the Academy members felt he had "cheated" by using computer graphics. Which, as one of the reviews I linked to states, is a laughable notion today.

If you receive Starz in your channel line-up, you can catch this hour-long episode again on Thursday January 24th, 2008 starting at 10:50 PM Eastern Time on Starz Edge (East).

Thanks to tron_fanfare for the tip.
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2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous January 23, 2008 9:07 AM
    Ha! No CG! Ha! They should provide a retro-award. It is timeless. I still love watching it, and the cheesy techno references are still relavent today.
  2. Anonymous January 27, 2008 12:05 PM
    I think they should give him and his team a retro-active Oscar also. -Z

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