By TronFAQ on Friday, January 27, 2012 at 8:35 PM

The LDSO site has just recently undergone some major updates. The old
TRON 2.0 Chat Room has been resurrected. A new download section has been added. The forum software has been upgraded to the latest version. The site's front page has been revised to include, among other things, a new status display showing when the LDSO TRON 2.0:
Killer App Mod multiplayer servers are online. (This status display can also now be seen at the top of every page on this site.)
And, finally, a new TRON 2.0 Wiki has been created. The
TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ will be merged into this wiki over time, and in the process it will be revised: to bring it up to date. Some of the information in the FAQ is outdated.
The wiki is also meant to serve as a resource for mapping and modding tips and tutorials, for those who would still like to attempt creating content for the TRON 2.0 game. If you become a member at the LDSO message forum, you will automatically become a member of the wiki as well. Then, if you choose to, you can participate in contributing to wiki articles.
Simply visit the
LDSO site, and check the left-hand side of the front page for links to these new additions. Hope to see you there!
By TronFAQ at 12:58 PM
Despite the lack of updates, I just wanted to let everyone know that this site is not dead.

Other projects I'm doing (that I feel are more important) are leaving me with almost no time to spare. However, these endeavors are still related to TRON 2.0. Most notably: an updated version of
User Error that self-installs and adds widescreen support, and an updated
Killer App Mod, are in the pipeline. With the updated UE due shortly. (Yes, really this time.) Some of the other projects I've been working on, will be mentioned in another article that I'm posting today. If you want to see a full list of some of the things I've been up to, you can visit
this page.
So, for now, this site is going on somewhat of a hiatus, and again focusing mainly on its original purpose: to act as a support resource for the PC and Mac versions of the game TRON 2.0. However, I will still continue to post articles about other more general TRON related news. Though on a less frequent basis. (I'm sure once the upcoming
TRON Uprising animated series hits, I'll have plenty to say about it.)
As I said last time, in a similar article: Thank you again for visiting. I hope to provide TRON, TRON 2.0, and TRON Legacy fandom with continued useful information you may not find anywhere else.