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Jul 16

New TRON Video Game Forthcoming For PC, PS4, XB1?

By TronFAQ on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 4:25 PM

TRON Lives? At least, in video game form?

The site Gematsu has an article showing that the Brazilian Advisory Rating System has a listing for a game titled TRON: Escape for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. There are no other details, other than the game may possibly be released as early as 2015.

I'll update this article if I find out any more details. I speculated on what the game would be like in a previous article, but it's looking as if this game might be somewhat different than expected. There's also a slim chance the game might have been canceled, and its appearance in the Brazilian database is merely a formality. But, I very much doubt that.

The TRON: Escape name, perhaps suggests this could be a reworked version of the Escape from Argon City web game that was made for TRON Uprising?

Thanks to iConiCdays on Reddit for the tip!

November 21st, 2015 UPDATE: TRON: Escape may have been cancelled, due to the apparent recent leak of concept art (which might or might not be fake).

December 5th, 2015 UPDATE: The game was not cancelled. Read more about TRON RUN/r here.

Jul 14

New TRON Roller Coaster To Open At Shanghai Disneyland China, In 2016?

By TronFAQ on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 3:31 PM
A new TRON-themed roller coaster ride is apparently coming to Shanghai Disneyland in China. The entire park is still under construction, and won't open until some time in 2016.

Concept art of TRON roller coaster ride at Shanghai Disneyland

With the ride being in China . . . there goes any chance of most TRON fans actually being able to visit and check it out. Still very cool news, though.

I wouldn't read too much into the announcement, in terms of this being a sign that Disney must still have big plans for TRON. The design, and construction start date, for this ride had to have been set in motion and committed to years ago. Before Disney started getting cold feet again about a TRON 3 film.

It's not that I doubt Disney will revisit TRON again in the future. Just not in the near-term. In a previous article: I discuss what happened to TRON 3 (aka TRON Ascension), why production was halted, and whether or not there's a chance the film could still be made.

Thanks TheSharkFromJaws on Reddit for the tip, and insidethemagic.net as the original source of this news.

July 15th, 2015 UPDATE: The site insidethemagic.net has another update about the TRON ride coming to Shanghai Disneyland in China. Including a couple of concept videos showing what the completed attraction will look like.

Videos showing TRON attraction in Shanghai Disneyland

The videos reveal that not only will there be a TRON Light Cycle roller coaster (called the TRON Light Cycle Power Run), but also an entire TRON-themed attraction that includes another Flying Scooter or Hurricane type ride with what looks like miniature Light Jets, and an Amphitheater concert/dance arena (ElecTRONica returns?). (Note that the second video has no sound until the 34 second mark.)

Whether a TRON-themed attraction like this (though likely smaller in scale) will be coming to the other Disneyland parks, any time soon, is anyone's guess.