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Nov 20

Rumors About TRON Legacy In 4K UHD And New TRON Content On Disney+ Streaming Service

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 11:40 PM

A filmmaker has tweeted that a version of TRON Legacy supposedly exists, which has been upscaled to 4K UHD resolution (in 3-D, too).

And, more importantly, that the de-aging CGI effect for CLU (and most likely Kevin Flynn as well, in the flashback at the start of the film) has been greatly improved. No more "uncanny valley" look for CLU. He apparently now looks "normal", and much more human.

I’ve linked to archived versions of the tweets making these claims, just in case they’re deleted.



As to why Disney would withhold an updated version of TRON Legacy (it’s not even on Disney+, as far as I’m aware), I don’t know. But I’m sure they’d release it, eventually. Maybe they’d do a limited 10th Anniversary re-release in theaters, next year? Followed by its release on Disney+/Blu-ray?

Thanks go out to wildchargergame on Twitter, for letting me know about this!

And another rumor about a TRON "reboot", possibly appearing on Disney+. I wonder if this is the same "reboot" idea we’ve heard about before. Except, this time, perhaps without Jared Leto attached. We’ve also heard the "new TRON content coming to Disney+" rumor before.


Thanks once again to Employee_427 on Twitter for the news!