Jun 29
TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ Updated
April 16th, 2010 UPDATE: If you are looking for information about playing TRON 2.0 in widescreen, the FAQ is currently out of date.
See this article regarding the widescreen fixes in the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod instead.
I've been meaning to do it for months, but I finally got around to updating the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ.
Updates include screenshots and descriptions for the latest custom maps, a guide on how to install and use these maps (which was duplicated from a page already on this site), the best way to play TRON 2.0 on a widescreen monitor, and more.
I've also added answers to some common questions in the "Top FAQs" section, such as: does TRON 2.0 run on Windows Vista, can the onscreen HUD be turned off (for screenshots), and will TRON 2.0: Killer App for the Xbox work on the Xbox 360.
At this time, I don't personally use Windows Vista and have avoided it completely. I will eventually get around to installing and using it later this year, when I upgrade my computer. Once I do, you can expect many updates to the FAQ with specific advice for running the game on Vista.
See this article regarding the widescreen fixes in the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod instead.
I've been meaning to do it for months, but I finally got around to updating the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ.
Updates include screenshots and descriptions for the latest custom maps, a guide on how to install and use these maps (which was duplicated from a page already on this site), the best way to play TRON 2.0 on a widescreen monitor, and more.
I've also added answers to some common questions in the "Top FAQs" section, such as: does TRON 2.0 run on Windows Vista, can the onscreen HUD be turned off (for screenshots), and will TRON 2.0: Killer App for the Xbox work on the Xbox 360.
At this time, I don't personally use Windows Vista and have avoided it completely. I will eventually get around to installing and using it later this year, when I upgrade my computer. Once I do, you can expect many updates to the FAQ with specific advice for running the game on Vista.
I look forward to any advice because I love this game!
My only issue is a couple of things that should not be transparent, are. (e.g. Thorne is transparent and looks like a ghost.) And certain things using the glow effect are too bright. But I blame that on ATI's current drivers.
Also, it kind of sucks having to use ALchemy in order to get proper sound on my new X-Fi based card, in Vista.
Xeno, did you use the Official patch? The Official patch is known to sometimes screw up during the installation process. Try using the Unofficial patch instead, if you haven't already.
Also try deleting the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield" folder.
When should I consider deleting the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield" folder?
Dave S.
That's a big sloppy kiss from me, tronfaq, as the unofficial patch was my salvation! I was getting this error message with the official one: "Client MFC Application has caused an error."
It happened again when I tried to Continue Game after a fresh install, but that was easily solved by starting over!
Many, many thanks!
Dave S.
Let me ask: do you get the Aero effects in Vista? The glass-like transparent borders around windows?
If the answer is no, then that means the video chip in your computer doesn't support DirectX 9. Which would also be the reason why Tron 2.0 has trouble running.
There's an off-chance that re-installing the most up-to-date DirectX 9 from Microsoft, could help. You can install DX9 in Vista and it won't affect DX10. You won't end up downgrading. The two are kept separate from each other.
If that doesn't work, you can always force Tron 2.0 to run by using 3D-Analyze.