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news about the TRON 2.0 gaming community and TRON in general.

If you're having trouble with the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod
Read this Troubleshooting Guide

Mar 22

TRON 2.0: KILLER APP Mod Released

By TronFAQ on Saturday, March 22, 2008 at 8:57 AM
April 16th, 2010 UPDATE: This article is out of date. The Killer App Mod v1.1 has been released.

Download it here

I'll post more info later! Meanwhile, enjoy the mod. :)

UPDATE: The KILLER APP Mod is temporarily unavailable for download, but will return soon.

Mar 13

TRON 2.0: KILLER APP Mod Release Date

By TronFAQ on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 10:13 PM
April 16th, 2010 UPDATE: This article is out of date. The Killer App Mod v1.1 has been released.

That's if beta testing goes well! Apologies to all those that have been awaiting this mod's release, for all the delays. But the wait is almost over! Get ready to "rezz" into the Game Grid soon with the KILLER APP Mod!

See the preview I posted in a previous article, to find out more.

Mar 10

TRON Comic Issue 5 Release Date

By TronFAQ on Monday, March 10, 2008 at 11:39 PM
After what seems like an eternity, issue #5 of TRON: The Ghost in the Machine from SLG Publishing is finally being released on Wednesday March 19th, 2008 Wednesday March 26th, 2008.

UPDATE #1: Diamond Comics' upcoming releases list was in error, and TRON #5 was not released today (March 19th). After checking the list again, it's now scheduled for next week. Apologies for the error, but this is the first time I've ever seen Diamond make a mistake on the release date of a title.

Actually, it has been an eternity as far as most TRON fans are concerned. Issue #4 came out in July of last year. And it, too, had taken a very long time to be released. Still, I'm just glad a TRON comic is being published at all.

It's also been an eternity since I did my last review of the comic, with issue #3 back in January of last year.  The reason for that has been twofold.

  1. I've been extremely busy for quite some time, and I think the lack of updates to this site (compared to the early days when the site was first created) has been evident.

  2. With the large gap between issue #3 and issue #4: I didn't feel it would be fair to review that issue without reading the first three again, and having the storyline freshly imprinted on my memory. And now with issue #5, there's been another large gap. So when issue #5 finally comes out, I'm going to read all five issues back-to-back and then do reviews of #4 and #5 in quick succession.

Since SLG's license with Disney expires in August of this year, we can be certain that #6 — the final issue — will be out by then. So, at most, there will be a five month gap between #5 and #6. Hopefully by then I'll still remember all the story threads, since five months isn't as far off as seven (#4) or eight (#5) months.

UPDATE #2: Landry Walker (co-writer of the comic) was gracious enough to send me an advance copy of issue #5 in PDF form. Thank you, Landry!

All I'm going to say about this issue, is two things:

  • This is the best issue since #1, by far. In my humble opinion, of course. Issue #5 is not to be missed. It starts resolving many of the questions that have been brought up in the story, so far.

  • A certain familiar character makes their first appearance in the comic. Well, sort-of! I'll let you guess who. :)


Visual Futurist Upcoming Screening

By TronFAQ at 9:13 PM
The Syd Mead documentary Visual Futurist: The Art & Life of Syd Mead by director Joaquin Montalvan is screening on March 18th and 19th, at the historic Michigan Theater in Ann Arbor, MI as part of a double bill with Blade Runner - The Final Cut.

At this time, the theater's schedule doesn't list the starting time for Blade Runner on those days, though Visual Futurist is apparently showing at 7:00 PM. The logical conclusion is that Blade Runner would screen right after, of course. Still, as soon as the schedule is updated I'll mention the confirmed times here. It appears that individual tickets can only be bought at the entrance shortly before the screening starts, and not online in advance.

Although the emphasis for this particular screening of Visual Futurist is clearly on its Blade Runner aspects, it nevertheless deals with Syd's entire career.  So, this naturally includes TRON as well. And at any rate, who doesn't love Blade Runner? I'd be shocked if anyone who is a fan of TRON, isn't also a fan of Blade Runner.

You can read my review of Visual Futurist: The Art & Life of Syd Mead in an earlier article, where I commented on the DVD release that's available for purchase.

The director has also posted a new trailer for the film, which can be seen below.