Dec 15
GameStar Hungary Magazine Giving Away TRON 2.0 For Free

As can be seen in the image on the right, the top of the issue's front cover has the words ""Teljes Játék: TRON 2.0" which means "Full Game: TRON 2.0".
Also, if you visit the site, you'll see another phrase saying: "Decemberi Tron-áradat: ajándék teljes játékunk minden idők legjobb Tron-játéka: a Tron 2.0, címlapon pedig a Tron: Evolution!" The Google translation result is: "December Tron-tide gift complete game of all time best-Tron game: Tron 2.0, while the front page of Tron: Evolution!"
Frankly, I'd like to know how GameStar's publisher IDG managed to convince Disney Interactive to let them give the game away for free. To me, this seems like a small miracle. Disney has yet to re-release TRON 2.0 in any form, and seems to pretend that it doesn't even exist. (Sure, it gets mentioned in their press releases now and then, but it's always downplayed and treated as unimportant now that Legacy and Evolution are here.)
Perhaps, then, there's some small hope for TRON 2.0 showing up in the not-too-distant future on a service like (Good Old Games).