A companion to the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ that provides up-to-date
news about the TRON 2.0 gaming community and TRON in general.

If you're having trouble with the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod
Read this Troubleshooting Guide

Aug 26

TRON 2.0 - 10th Anniversary

By TronFAQ on Monday, August 26, 2013 at 9:03 PM
On August 26th, 2003 TRON 2.0 was released for sale in North America, a video game published by Buena Vista Interactive (now simply known as Disney Games) and developed by Monolith Productions for the PC. Today is the 10th Anniversary of that release.

To mark the occasion, Kain-Xavier has publicly announced a plugin he's been working on for Blender, which will allow you to make your own models for TRON 2.0.

Up until now, you would have to use very old versions of the Max and Maya modelling programs, which cost money and/or are hard to obtain because of their age. (The model plugins that came with the TRON 2.0 editing tools, will only work on those older versions of Max and Maya.)

The Blender plugin isn't ready for release just yet, but it's gotten to the point where it's almost completely functional. So it shouldn't be too much longer. Congratulations to Kain-Xavier on his accomplishment. :)

There was something else I had planned for today, but unfortunately it's not ready to show yet. :( Can you guess what it is? Maybe within the next couple of weeks . . .

Apr 10

User Error 3 Screenshot Gallery Video (MINOR SPOILERS)

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at 2:07 AM

This screenshot gallery video contains MINOR SPOILERS for User Error 3.

Some of it, you've seen before. Most of it, you haven't. A mix of screenshots from older previews, and some of the latest progress that has been made in UE3. The project is proceeding slower than anticipated, so the User Error 3 team thought we'd put up some screenshots to show it's still alive and moving forward.

Screenshots 1-31 by TronFAQ (me)
Screenshots 32-39 by Win3K
Screenshots 40-46 by TronFAQ (me)
Screenshots 47-61 by Deeahchur

Thanks from the User Error team, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum or leave a comment here.

Campaign To Save TRON Uprising On SMGO.TV

By TronFAQ at 1:38 AM
I've been a bit slow to report this news, sorry about that.

A campaign to help save TRON Uprising from cancellation has appeared on the site smgo.tv, which describes itself as a crowd-funding service that demonstrates fan interest in canceled shows: with the intention of presenting a campaign to the company that produces the series, showing them that there is still demand to continue with new episodes.

If voting for a show reaches its target, fans then put their money where their mouth is: pledging to help fund the production of new episodes. In return - in addition to seeing their show possibly renewed - people who pledge money will receive rewards, usually in the form of unique merchandise based on the show, made specifically for them as collector's items.

It's an interesting concept, and more about how the whole process works can be read on the site. What makes smgo.tv different, and unique compared to another type of crowd-funding site like Kickstarter, is that people don't have to pledge money upfront. If the studio producing the series still doesn't show any interest even after they're made aware of the campaign, no one's money need be refunded.

This campaign probably has the greatest chance of succeeding, of any fan effort. Even more so than a petition. That being said, I'll still reluctantly state that it seems Disney is dead set against renewing TRON Uprising.

Although no official cancellation statement was ever made, it's more-or-less been confirmed in a quote from an article on Variety.com.

Disney XD's visually impressive and pricey animated series "Tron: Uprising," based on the films, struggled to attract the channel's core viewers of 6- 11-year-old boys. The series' tone appealed more to an older audience that isn't yet watching the channel.

"It did well with many segments of the audience, but missed some of the key demos," DeBenedittis says. "It's one of those examples where if the bull's-eye is the Disney brand, and you go into the other rings, you take some risks in missing the magic of the bull's-eye. ("Tron: Uprising" took the right risk and we created a show to be so proud of, but it hit the secondary ring of the target.")

With a sequel to "Tron: Legacy" in the works at the studio, Disney Channels plans to eventually bring back "Tron," but it may not be returning as the same show, DeBenedittis says.

Paul DeBenedittis of Disney Channels Worldwide, from a Variety.com article

The key section to pay attention to is the third passage. Disney "plans to eventually bring back [animated] Tron, but it may not be returning as the same show".

Disney didn't attract the kind of audience they wanted, as I ruminated about in my previous petition article. But rather than give TRON Uprising another chance on one of their other networks (Disney Channel, ABC, etc.), they've decided to simply give up on it. Truly shameful.

Here's hoping that, perhaps, the combined efforts of fan petitions and this campaign on smgo.tv, might make the difference.

Thanks to deeahchur on the LDSO forum, and bluelantern714 and BanditTron on Tron-Sector, for the news.

Mar 04

TRON 2.0 Complete Map Pack (Containing All Custom Multiplayer Maps) Updated

By TronFAQ on Monday, March 04, 2013 at 11:45 AM

Download the Complete Map Pack

The TRON 2.0 Complete Map Pack has been updated. It contains one new map, and there are several other changes.

Also now available, are showcase videos previewing many of the maps included in the Complete Map Pack, for the first time. So you can get a sense of what the maps are like, before downloading.

Map Showcase Video 1/3 - Custom Light Cycle Maps

00:12 - TRON Light Cycles by Layer (TRON LIGHTCYCLE)
03:13 - Terminal by timmypowergamer (TERMINAL)
04:04 - Super TRON Bros. 2 by timmypowergamer and Raven (SUPERTRONBROS2)
05:14 - Micro Light Cycles by VMan (VMAN_MICRO)
07:23 - Home by VMan (VMAN_HOME)
09:50 - Port 27888 by Layer and Raven (PORT_27888)
10:19 - AI Arena Redux by Layer and Raven (AI_ARENA_REDUX)
10:48 - Whiteland by timmypowergamer (WHITELAND)
11:44 - Atlantis by Raven (ALANTIS)
14:20 - Demon by VMan (VMAN_DEMON)
15:15 - Deathtrap by TronFAQ (DEATHTRAP_LC_TRONFAQ)
16:41 - Get Outta My Kitchen by Cyrus the Virus (GET_OUTTA_MY_KITCHEN)
17:30 - VMan by VMan (VMAN_VMAN)

Map Showcase Video 2/3 - Custom Derez (Deathmatch) Maps

00:12 - Electronic Cave by Zook_One (Z_CAVE_V1.0)
03:35 - MCP by Xistence (XMCP)
04:59 - YCP Carrier by deeahchur (YCP_CARRIER)
07:58 - CLU Dispatch by Zook_One (Z_CLU_DISPATCH_V1.1)
11:42 - YCP HQ by deeahchur (YCP_HQ)
14:56 - Black Derez by VMan (VMAN_BLACK_DM)
16:16 - RGB Processing Grid by Zook_One (Z_RGB_V1.0)
18:41 - DM World by VMan, Raven, and TronFAQ (VMAN_DMWORLD)
23:40 - Oldskool by Win3K and Xistence (LDSO-OLDSKOOL)
24:51 - Hub by VMan (VMAN_HUB)
27:51 - Airstrike by Win3K (W3KAIRSTRIKE)
29:50 - Hover by Xistence (DSODM-HOVER)
31:42 - Capture the Bit by TronFAQ (CTB2_TDM_TRONFAQ)
35:27 - Sector by SpyDave (DM_SPYDAVE_SECTOR)
37:06 - I/O Error by Nunyas (IO-ERROR)
38:11 - Sky Grid 02 by Mor.Evil-1 and Win3K (SKYGRID_SECTOR-02)

Map Showcase Video 3/3 - Custom Disc Arena Maps

00:12 - Tube Coliseum by Xistence (DSODA-COLLOSEUM)
03:50 - Tetra Rhomboid by Xistence (DSODA-TRS-RHOMBOID)
06:16 - Tetra Trigonal by Xistence (DSODA-TRS-TETRA)
08:25 - Ancient Rebound by Xistence (DSODA-AS-REBOUND)
10:24 - Tube Fragmented by Xistence (DSO_TUBE-FRAGMENT)
11:47 - Disc Golf of TRON by Zook_One (DISC_GOLF_V1.0)
16:26 - Disc Blue by Xistence (DSODA-BS-DISC)
17:48 - Ring Blue by Xistence (DSODA-BS-RING)

Changes in Derez (DM) Map Pack

YCP Carrier (by deeahchur) is also available separately, on its own, so you don't have to download the entire Complete Map Pack just to get the new map. But if you read further, you'll see there have been other changes to the map pack that may make it worth it to you, to re-download the entire thing.

Use REZ Handler to install just the YCP Carrier map, and then use the "Combine .REZ" feature to merge the YCP.REZ file with DM_Pack.REZ to reduce the .REZ file count.

Click here to download just the YCP Carrier map

Changes to the Installer
  • After installation, you will be notified about the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer Fix if you don't already have it. (Since there's no point in installing multiplayer maps, in the first place, if you can't even get online to play them.)

  • Added an option to uninstall the Complete Map Pack, so files won't get left behind if you uninstall the TRON 2.0 game itself.

  • Includes some other under the hood changes, made in preparation for v1.2 of the Killer App Mod.

After the map pack has been extracted, you click on the icon to run the installer. The maps will then finally be installed. If you chose to extract to the desktop but don't see the icon, hit the F5 key on the keyboard to refresh the desktop or click the right mouse button on the desktop and choose Refresh if it's available.


Jan 20

TRON 2.0 Multiplayer Fix v1.0 Released

By TronFAQ on Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 4:23 AM

Download the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer Fix

October 31, 2014 UPDATE: This article is out of date. Killer App Mod v1.1a has been released, which restores Multiplayer in-game without the need for this external program.

In early December 2012, Gamespy dropped support for TRON 2.0 Multiplayer. So LDSO and schmatzler of tron-servers.net have done something about it!

Get the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer Fix from the download link above, to allow you to easily Join and Host servers again. This fix will be incorporated into Killer App Mod v1.2 when it's available, but for now this is being released on its own.

  • 1:31 - Installing the fix
  • 4:00 - How to Join servers
  • 7:27 - How to Host servers

It's best to watch the video in higher quality HD so you can see the details better.

Link to detailed written explanations, including how to Host: http://www.ldso.net/tronwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:article:tronfaq:project:multifix

Please note that unless your computer processor is at least dual-core, allowing the installer to change Qtracker configuration for you automatically will take a very long time.

So, on really old computers you may want to say "No" when it asks about proceeding with this step and configure Qtracker yourself later on. On fast computers, if you say "Yes" it will only take 2-3 minutes.

Either way, the installer has not crashed. You just have to BE PATIENT.

If you have any questions or concerns about the TRON 2.0 Multiplayer fix, please visit the LDSO message forums.