A companion to the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ that provides up-to-date
news about the TRON 2.0 gaming community and TRON in general.

If you're having trouble with the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod
Read this Troubleshooting Guide

Jun 27

TRON 2.0 Retrospective and Interview, Better Multiplayer Fix

By TronFAQ on Friday, June 27, 2014 at 4:29 PM

Recently, I stumbled across a retrospective of TRON 2.0 by a content creator on YouTube, who goes by the nickname Parallax Abstraction.

He played through the game's Single Player campaign, and went into depth about the history of TRON 2.0 more than most people usually do. He even went out of his way to call out the fact that he was using our project, the Killer App Mod, by the LDSO and Killer App Mod teams. I left a comment on his introduction video, thanking him for the mention.

TRON 2.0 Retrospective video series by Parallax Abstraction

Further discussions resulted in one thing leading to another, where he hit upon the idea of interviewing me while covering the Multiplayer portion of the game. Something that most TRON 2.0 retrospectives never talk about. Of course, this isn't without justification. GameSpy dropped multiplayer support for TRON 2.0, two years ago. And while getting it to work again is possible, it's still not that convenient to do.

I made an effort to help get people together for some TRON 2.0 Multiplayer matches, so that Parallax Abstraction could record footage of the Multiplayer gameplay to show to his viewers. At the same time, he interviewed me about the history of the game, its community, the mod projects that are available, and so on. He asked a lot of good questions, and came across as very professional.

Meanwhile, I did my best to entertain: with stories about Disney/Buena Vista Interactive's interactions with the TRON 2.0 fan community, and plenty more. A lot of ground was covered, including some rumours about TRON 2.0 that few, if any, people have probably ever heard about before.

All three parts of the interview can be played back below. The total length of the interview comes in at close to three hours, so you'll probably want to watch one part and then take a break before viewing the next.

TRON 2.0 Multiplayer and Interview - Parts 1-3

If you'd like to read even more about the history of the game, and Disney/Buena Vista Interactive's support for it (or lack, thereof), check out our TRON 2.0 article on the LDSO Wiki.

Since the interview, I've succesfully managed to get the in-game Multiplayer server browser for TRON 2.0 working again, as seen in the video below. So that the current Multiplayer Fix will no longer be needed. Instead, the in-game server browser will be made functional as a part of the upcoming v1.2 update to the Killer App Mod.


Jun 23

LDSO Forum And Wiki - Temporarily Down

By TronFAQ on Monday, June 23, 2014 at 10:05 PM

The LDSO site forum and wiki are temporarily down, and it looks like it's going to take a while to get things fixed.

From what we can tell (not 100% sure yet): our hosting provider made some changes on their backend without notifying us, which resulted in the forum and wiki becoming broken.

The wiki being down has affected file downloads from the All TRON 2.0 Files page. A number of the links will be broken. But recently added file Mirror links will mean that each file can still be downloaded. Just try the other Mirror link for a file, if one of them doesn't work.

We'll try and get things up and running again, ASAP.

June 24th, 2014 UPDATE: As we suspected: our host made changes that impacted our site, which resulted in both the forum and wiki becoming broken. However, our site administrator Load "*",8,1 fixed the problem this morning. Everything on the site is now back to normal.