A companion to the TRON 2.0 Unofficial FAQ that provides up-to-date
news about the TRON 2.0 gaming community and TRON in general.

If you're having trouble with the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod
Read this Troubleshooting Guide

Oct 31

TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a Released

By TronFAQ on Friday, October 31, 2014 at 1:36 AM

Killer App Mod v1.1a is an interim release that works better with the Steam version of TRON 2.0, fixes bugs, and restores Multiplayer support in-game on both the CD/DVD and Steam versions of the game.

Download link to Killer App Mod v1.1a

The updated mod should show up on ModDB soon, which will likely give TRON 2.0 Multiplayer a shot in the arm from this point forward.

You might also want to grab the Complete Map Pack that has fan-made Multiplayer maps in it. There are a number of them that are actually very good . . . retail quality.

This interim version of the mod does not have the majority of the huge improvements that will be in v1.2 of the Killer App Mod. You can get a taste of what v1.2 will offer, in a previous article. Examples of improvements in v1.2 are: better widescreen support, being able to select non-4:3 resolutions in-game, recreated weapons from the Xbox version of the game in Multiplayer and Single Player, and additional languages (Russian and Hungarian).

But a few of the improvements that were originally meant to debut with v1.2, have been back-ported to v1.1a. A full list of the changes from v1.1 to v1.1a can be found here.

The most significant change, is restored functional Multiplayer without the need to install the old Multiplayer Fix any more. The in-game server browsing and joining features are now working again. Clunky, awkward, out-of-game solutions are no longer required.

Note that v1.1a of the Killer App Mod is not compatible with v1.1 for online Multiplayer. Everyone playing together in a match must be using v1.1a, and that includes the server hosting the match. I recommend uninstalling v1.1 before replacing it with v1.1a. LDSO has TRON 2.0 Multiplayer servers hosting matches on weekends, and they are currently running v1.1a. LDSO will also be providing the owner of the tron-servers.net servers with v1.1a, so he can update his servers and then anyone with v1.1a can join.

Killer App Mod v1.1a was tested on both the CD/DVD Retail and Steam versions, and will work with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit in all cases). It should also still work on 98/Me/2000, but was not tested on those versions of Windows.

We don't have an exact ETA for the Killer App Mod v1.2 update. We were hoping to finally have it done by the end of 2014, but time spent on v1.1a likely means there will be a delay until early 2015. If GOG.com releases their own version of TRON 2.0, we will either create another interim update or add support to v1.2.

Thanks from the Killer App Mod team, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum, or leave comments here.

Oct 25

Help Test Killer App Mod v1.1a BETA (Works Better With Steam Version Of TRON 2.0)

By TronFAQ on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 3:08 AM
October 31, 2014 UPDATE: This article is out of date. Killer App Mod v1.1a has been released.

The release of TRON 2.0 on Steam, has necessitated an interim, updated release of the Killer App Mod. The current v1.1 of the mod does not work very well with the Steam version of the game.

For the last two weeks: I've set version 1.2 of the mod aside, to work on v1.1a. Disney Games updating TRON 2.0 on Steam three times since release (as of the time I'm writing this), slowed down my efforts to get v1.1a done in a more timely manner.

But, v1.1a is finally ready for testing. This is considered a Beta version of v1.1a, so I cannot guarantee it will work 100% smoothly for everyone. That's why I need people who will volunteer to test it, and provide feedback. I want to hear back from everyone who tries it. Regardless of whether it works well, or you have problems. Hearing people say "it works well for me, no problems, thanks!" is just as important as hearing about any issues you might encounter.

The mod was tested on XP, 7, and the latest Windows 10 Preview (Build 9860). It worked fine for me on all three different computers running those versions of the OS. It should also work fine on Windows 8/8.1.

I've also tested several of the other mods like the User Error Single Player expansions, the Complete Map Pack (fan-made custom Multiplayer maps), the Ancient Disc Mod, and so on. You can get these mods from this page. They all seemed to work fine with the Steam version of TRON 2.0, so I won't be releasing any updates for those. Killer App is the only mod that really needed updating.

This interim version of the mod does not have the majority of the huge improvements that will be in v1.2 of the Killer App Mod. You can get a taste of what v1.2 will offer, in this article. But a few of the improvements that were originally meant to debut with v1.2, have been back-ported to v1.1a. A full list of the changes from v1.1 to v1.1a can be found here.

But the most significant change, is restored functional Multiplayer without the need to install the old Multiplayer Fix any more. The in-game server browsing and joining features are now working again. Clunky, awkward, out-of-game solutions are no longer required.

This Beta version of the mod is still a bit rough around the edges. Text in the installer isn't always neatly formatted, the documentation is something of a mess (and it won't be properly updated until v1.2), and there are some other minor issues I still need to fix. One important issue to be aware of: Do not uninstall v1.1a while Steam is running. Be sure to quit Steam first.

Note that v1.1a of the Killer App Mod is not compatible with v1.1 for online Multiplayer. Everyone playing together in a match must be using v1.1a, and that includes the server hosting the match. I recommend uninstalling v1.1 before replacing it with v1.1a. I've got LDSO TRON 2.0 Multiplayer servers hosting matches on weekends, and they are currently running the Beta v1.1a. I will also be providing schmatzler with v1.1a, so he can update his servers and then anyone with v1.1a can join.

If you want to test Killer App v1.1a: visit the LDSO site and click "Contact LDSO" to send an e-mail. I will send you the download link through Steam chat, or a private message on Facebook, Twitter, etc., or I'll send you an e-mail. Whichever method you prefer.

Don't bombard me with requests in the comments section of this article. I won't be responding to them.

Oct 10

TRON 2.0 PC Version Now Available On Steam

By TronFAQ on Friday, October 10, 2014 at 11:27 PM
And now TRON 2.0 has arrived four days later on Steam (as of the time this article was written).


As I stated in my previous article about the release of TRON Evolution: When TRON 2.0 didn't show up at the same time as TRON Evolution, I didn't hold out much hope of TRON 2.0 seeing any kind of a digital release, any time soon. I'm very surprised to see it follow so quickly.

I would have preferred a GOG.com release. I suppose that could still happen. But for now, it's Steam only.

I'm currently figuring out whether or not all the patches/mods on the All TRON 2.0 Files page, can be made to work with the Steam version of the game. I'll update this article as I discover what works and what doesn't. If LDSO mods need to be updated to work with the Steam version, I'll see about getting that done ASAP.

October 11th, 2014 UPDATE: For people having trouble with TRON 2.0 "forgetting" settings and going to defaults, and also people having trouble getting Killer App Mod v1.1 to install: I have solutions for both on the Steam version of TRON 2.0.

For TRON 2.0 "forgetting" settings and going to defaults:
Right-click on the Desktop, and highlight New on the menu. Then click Shortcut on the next pop-up menu that appears.

Click Browse. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Tron 2.0. Click on TRON.exe, then OK. Click Next. Then Finish.

Now, right-click the new shortcut you created on the Desktop. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Click the Compatibility tab. Put a checkmark in the box named Run this program as an Administrator. Click OK.

YOU MUST USE THIS SHORTCUT THAT YOU CREATED YOURSELF TO RUN THE GAME. If you run TRON 2.0 from Steam, it resets all the settings back to defaults. I'll see if I can eventually find a workaround so that you can run the game within Steam, but for now you have to use this shortcut on the Desktop or in your Start menu.

DO NOT USE THE OPTION IN STEAM TO CREATE A DESKTOP SHORTCUT. This also will reset settings to defaults if you run the game from it.

For those who don't have optical drives and are using the Lithtech.exe shortcut bypass mentioned by me in this Steam forum post, set the Lithtech.exe shortcut to Run this program as an Administrator as well.

For installing Killer App Mod v1.1:
After extracting the contents of ka_mod_v1x1_setup.zip, go into the Killer App Mod folder. Before you run ka_mod_v1x1_setup.exe right-click on the icon. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Click the Compatibility tab. Put a checkmark in the box named Run this program as an Administrator. Click OK.

Now Killer App Mod v1.1 will install properly on the Steam version. (This step isn't necessary for the Retail CD version.)

These two steps worked for me. I'll keep testing more of the mods and see how things go.

When Killer App Mod v1.2 is released, I'll ensure it works with the Steam version (and GOG version if one shows up by then). It will automate all of these steps, so you won't have to mess around like this.

Oct 07

TRON Evolution PC Version Now Available On Steam

By TronFAQ on Tuesday, October 07, 2014 at 1:30 AM
TRON Evolution just arrived on Steam in the last 24 hours (as of the time this article was written).


The Steam release of TRON Evolution has blindsided me. I had no idea it was coming out.

But somehow I managed to post an article with a video showing TRON Evolution (and TRON 2.0) working just fine on Windows 10, the day before its Steam release. Quite an epic coincidence. :) I show how to get both games running properly. (I also have a video showing them running on Windows 8. But Win 10 is still so similar to Win 8 that pretty much everything in the 10 video applies to 8.)

I won't be getting the Steam version unless Disney decides to allow us to use our Retail DVD serial keys to redeem a free copy on Steam. I don't feel like buying the game twice.

Be warned that the Steam version still comes with Games for Windows Live and Securom. Also, the version of GfWL included is apparently out of date which will prevent the game from running on 8/8.1/10. Seems Disney just took what they had and slapped it up on Steam, with virtually no effort put into its re-release.

If an outdated GfWL client is the reason why people can't get the Steam version of Evolution to work, then downloading and installing the GfWL from the link in the article with the Windows 10 video and installing over top of the old GfWL should solve the problem.

I have no idea if TRON 2.0 will be coming out any time soon on Steam. But, probably not, considering how Disney pretends as if TRON 2.0 no longer exists. (Likely since it doesn't "fit in the canon" any more. Bleh. :p)

Any chance of Disney games showing up on GOG.com instead, probably went down the drain with this announcement. But I hope otherwise!

At least Disney is starting to explore new avenues of selling their older titles, rather than just sitting on them. Maybe one day TRON 2.0 will become available again, after all.

Oct 05

Do TRON 2.0 And TRON Evolution Work On Windows 10 Technical Preview?

By TronFAQ on Sunday, October 05, 2014 at 5:55 PM

This video is long and a bit boring, but I wanted to show any problems I had in getting TRON 2.0 or TRON Evolution running in Windows 10 Technical Preview. So I demonstrate where I hit roadblocks, and how to get around them.

I also wanted to prove the games actually were being installed and attempted to run on Windows 10. So they've been run in windowed mode, rather than full screen. Unfortunately, Camtasia Studio isn't behaving quite right on Windows 10 when it records. The mouse pointer often appears as if it's not moving.

It's best to watch the video in higher quality HD so you can see the details better.

Link to GfWL Client that works on Windows 10 (and XP/Vista/7/8):

NOTE: v1.2 of the Killer App Mod isn't available yet. I'm currently working on it, and hope to have it done by the end of 2014. The current version is v1.1.

October 8th, 2014 UPDATE: Your software firewall may block Games for Windows Live and prevent you from signing in. You need to add an exception to your firewall that allows C:\Program Files (x86)\Disney Interactive Studios\Tron Evolution\Binaries\Win32Live\GridGame.exe to always communicate with the Internet.

Also, there's a service called the "Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant" that needs to be running. Without it, GfWL will not work.

Go to the Start menu on XP/Vista/7/10 and type services.msc in the search box, then hit Enter. On Windows 8/8.1, just start typing on the Start screen.

Make sure the "Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant" service is running. If it's not running, then start the service. Then try signing in again with GfWL in TRON Evolution.

And just to prove that GfWL does work and is NOT shut down, I took a screenshot of being signed in on TRON Evolution. Check out the time and date. 10/7/2014 (October 7th, 2014). The day after TRON Evolution was released on Steam.

It's possible you may have to visit the Xbox.com site, sign in with your Microsoft/GfWL/Xbox Live account, and agree to the updated Terms of Service. Not agreeing on the site could also prevent you from logging in.

Do not try to run GfWL before starting the game, or you will get the error message in the screenshot below. The latest version of GfWL only works in-game now.

A possible fix for the Steam version of TRON Evolution not working, is to completely uninstall all PhysX software from Windows via "Add or Remove Programs" (Windows XP) or "Programs and Features" (Vista/7/8/8.1/10) in the Control Panel, delete the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX (you will need to turn off User Account Control aka UAC in Vista/7/8/8.1/10 to delete this folder), and then download and install the most recent version of PhysX.

Thanks to Steam forum members Tozzeb and Chaz for sleuthing PhysX as a potential problem preventing the Steam version from running. The Steam forum threads where this conclusion was arrived at, are HERE and HERE.

Aug 23

TRON Vinyl Soundtrack Contest (Ends August 31, 2014)

By TronFAQ on Saturday, August 23, 2014 at 12:37 AM

LDSO is proud to announce a contest where you can win ONE of THREE free copies of the upcoming TRON Vinyl Soundtrack! (Thanks to Audio Fidelity for making this contest possible!) The contest will end on August 31, 2014.

More details about the content of the album can be found here:

This TRON Original Motion Picture soundtrack will consist of two double-sided Vinyl LP records, with a total of 18 tracks. The gatefold album jacket will have color photos, and liner notes from Wendy Carlos and Michael Fremer (who was a supervisor on the TRON film's soundtrack). And the most distinctive feature about this album is that the two LPs are a translucent neon blue color! (See photos above!)

In order to have a chance to win a copy of the soundtrack, here's what you need to do:

1) Share news about this contest. You can share this article on your personal Facebook page, mention this article on Twitter, or even elsewhere. For those who want to share this news on the TRON-Sector forum, feel free to do so. (We won't be posting about it there, ourselves. Only the first person who shares the news on TRON-Sector will be entered into the contest.) We'll need proof that you shared the news somewhere, for your chance to win.

2) Correctly answer these trivia questions about the TRON franchise:
  • What insult did Sark use when referring to his Lieutenant in the original TRON film?
  • What is the name of the level where you encounter Thorne and the Kernel in the game TRON 2.0?
  • What is the name of your character in Single Player, for the game TRON Evolution?
  • What was the name of the business/apartment where Sam Flynn lived in TRON Legacy?
  • What was the name of the other "Renegade" that Tron was training, aside from Beck, in TRON Uprising?
Leave comments on this article, the post on Facebook, or send tweets on Twitter to "@_LDSO_" (without the quotes): showing us where you shared the news about this contest (a URL link), and provide your answers to the trivia questions. Contestants who shared news, and provided correct answers, will be randomly chosen to win.

Even if you don't win, we're able to offer fans of LDSO and TRON a 20% discount on the purchase of the soundtrack from the Audio Fidelity web site, by using the code TRON2014 which is valid until 10/31/2014 (October 31, 2014).

We look forward to hearing your answers, and Good Luck, Programs!

September 6th, 2014 UPDATE: The three winners of the TRON Vinyl Soundtrack were announced in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Yd9kytNJaU

Jun 27

TRON 2.0 Retrospective and Interview, Better Multiplayer Fix

By TronFAQ on Friday, June 27, 2014 at 4:29 PM

Recently, I stumbled across a retrospective of TRON 2.0 by a content creator on YouTube, who goes by the nickname Parallax Abstraction.

He played through the game's Single Player campaign, and went into depth about the history of TRON 2.0 more than most people usually do. He even went out of his way to call out the fact that he was using our project, the Killer App Mod, by the LDSO and Killer App Mod teams. I left a comment on his introduction video, thanking him for the mention.

TRON 2.0 Retrospective video series by Parallax Abstraction

Further discussions resulted in one thing leading to another, where he hit upon the idea of interviewing me while covering the Multiplayer portion of the game. Something that most TRON 2.0 retrospectives never talk about. Of course, this isn't without justification. GameSpy dropped multiplayer support for TRON 2.0, two years ago. And while getting it to work again is possible, it's still not that convenient to do.

I made an effort to help get people together for some TRON 2.0 Multiplayer matches, so that Parallax Abstraction could record footage of the Multiplayer gameplay to show to his viewers. At the same time, he interviewed me about the history of the game, its community, the mod projects that are available, and so on. He asked a lot of good questions, and came across as very professional.

Meanwhile, I did my best to entertain: with stories about Disney/Buena Vista Interactive's interactions with the TRON 2.0 fan community, and plenty more. A lot of ground was covered, including some rumours about TRON 2.0 that few, if any, people have probably ever heard about before.

All three parts of the interview can be played back below. The total length of the interview comes in at close to three hours, so you'll probably want to watch one part and then take a break before viewing the next.

TRON 2.0 Multiplayer and Interview - Parts 1-3

If you'd like to read even more about the history of the game, and Disney/Buena Vista Interactive's support for it (or lack, thereof), check out our TRON 2.0 article on the LDSO Wiki.

Since the interview, I've succesfully managed to get the in-game Multiplayer server browser for TRON 2.0 working again, as seen in the video below. So that the current Multiplayer Fix will no longer be needed. Instead, the in-game server browser will be made functional as a part of the upcoming v1.2 update to the Killer App Mod.


Jun 23

LDSO Forum And Wiki - Temporarily Down

By TronFAQ on Monday, June 23, 2014 at 10:05 PM

The LDSO site forum and wiki are temporarily down, and it looks like it's going to take a while to get things fixed.

From what we can tell (not 100% sure yet): our hosting provider made some changes on their backend without notifying us, which resulted in the forum and wiki becoming broken.

The wiki being down has affected file downloads from the All TRON 2.0 Files page. A number of the links will be broken. But recently added file Mirror links will mean that each file can still be downloaded. Just try the other Mirror link for a file, if one of them doesn't work.

We'll try and get things up and running again, ASAP.

June 24th, 2014 UPDATE: As we suspected: our host made changes that impacted our site, which resulted in both the forum and wiki becoming broken. However, our site administrator Load "*",8,1 fixed the problem this morning. Everything on the site is now back to normal.

Apr 30

TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.2 - Demoing new Weapons, Powerups, Translations, Other Features

By TronFAQ on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 1:36 AM
It's been a while since the last major news update for the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod. And four years since the release of the previous version of the mod. So, what's been happening?

Well, there are two major reasons for this. 1) Lack of time and manpower. The project was down to one person (myself) for a long period. I'm simultaneously working on another LDSO project called User Error 3 for TRON 2.0. 2) Feature creep. A lot of the features now in the upcoming v1.2 of the mod, were originally not planned until a potential v1.3 much further down the road. But due to certain breakthroughs occurring sooner than expected, features were pushed up into v1.2. (Many thanks go out to Kain-Xavier and another contributor for helping to make this happen, far earlier than planned.)

00:23 - Improved Derez Powerups
01:08 - New Derez Powerups
01:34 - Spawning in protected areas, increased health and energy
02:02 - Powerups semi-randomized, and more than one of each
02:34 - Barriers to protected areas prevents spawn killing and sniping
02:49 - DM-03 retail map expanded play area
03:25 - New Reinstall Powerup
04:03 - New Power Surge Powerup
04:42 - New Read-Only Powerup
05:21 - Reinstall Powerup from another player's perspective
05:43 - Disc Charger weapon in Derez
06:10 - Rod Rifles weapon in Derez, uses two hands
06:59 - Ball Storm weapon in Derez
07:29 - Burst Cannon weapon in Derez
07:58 - Rod Primitive weapon in Derez, now uses two hands
08:25 - Disc Charger weapon in Single Player
09:14 - Rod Rifles weapon in Single Player
09:55 - Ball Storm weapon in Single Player
11:21 - Burst Cannon weapon in Single Player
12:10 - Russian Translation
16:03 - Hungarian Translation

One of the goals of this project, was to eventually bring over as many features as possible from the Xbox version of the game. Thanks to breakthroughs occurring earlier than expected: the upcoming v1.2 release will feature fully functional equivalents of all the Multiplayer weapons introduced in that version of the game, similar powerups in Multiplayer mode (Derez aka Deathmatch), plus the ability to use the weapons in Single Player as well (only via the Gold cheat function), the latter of which is something that wasn't even possible in the Xbox version (to my knowledge).

Russian and Hungarian translations are now included in v1.2 of the mod. Many thanks to the Notabenoid.com team and "Rapid" for giving their permission.

Another goal, was to try and fix as many issues as we could in TRON 2.0 and add some new functionality where possible. The video above demonstrates fixes to errors in the Single Player levels, and further improvements to cutscenes for widescreen displays.

An abbreviated list that highlights v1.2 fixes to the game, and to the mod itself:
  • Integrates v1.042 Unofficial Patch, which no longer needs to be installed separately.
  • Eliminated the "TRON 2.0 has not been run before, you must run TRON 2.0 at least once" error during installation.
  • Updated version of the installer program should prevent issues occurring sometimes during installation (hanging, won't install after a failed installation attempt).
  • Lists other mod add-ons during installation, offers to download them, and installs everything in the correct order.
  • Change any language version of the game to any other language, both text and speech (except Russian and Hungarian, where only text is available).
  • Possibly reduced the frequency of the game crashing while fighting DataWraiths.
  • The hit detection on the System Memory screen (where you work with subroutines) is now properly aligned with objects, in non-4:3 aspect ratios. Before, you would have to hover over the outer edge of objects to get them to highlight.
  • When you went to Options > Display from the main menu in a widescreen resolution, the game would reset back to 640x480 because it didn't support any resolutions that weren't 4:3 aspect. This no longer happens. You can now select any resolution your display supports. Though it's best to stick with the resolution you chose when installing the mod. This is something that was difficult to achieve, but has now been successfully implemented.
  • Fixed a bug in the Mod Manager that would cause the game to crash with messages like: Error copying file cres.dll, Could not init CircuitButeMgr, Couldn't initialize DebrisMgr, and various Client MFC errors. This bug could also cause custom maps to not load in Multiplayer.

Most people will be aware that GameSpy is shutting down entirely, soon. But they already started dropping support for older games a couple of years ago.

The above video shows tentative support of the in-game server browser working again, via OpenSpy. Whether this will function 100% correctly at the time of v1.2 release, is currently uncertain. OpenSpy's emulation of GameSpy for TRON 2.0 is not perfect, which results in a bit of odd behavior. Browsing and joining servers does work, but not without said issues. We're trying to work with the people at OpenSpy to improve this situation.

The Multiplayer Fix mentioned in a previous article will likely be included as a fallback, in case the in-game server browser remains flakey.

We don't have an exact ETA for the Killer App Mod v1.2 update. We're hoping to finally have it done around Summer 2014, but don't quote us on that.

Thanks from the Killer App Mod team, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum, the TRON fan sites, or leave a comment here.

Feb 22

TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod - Single Player Level Fixes In Future Update

By TronFAQ on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 6:29 PM

Yes, finally another preview trailer after all this time! Killer App Mod v1.2 for the PC version of the game TRON 2.0 is still being worked on. It's taking so long for two reasons:

  • Lack of free time and manpower. The number of people working on it was down to one (me) for a long period, but lately I've been receiving help from another team member. I'm also working on the upcoming User Error 3 Single Player mission.

  • Massive feature creep. A lot of things planned for a potential v1.3 have been brought forward into v1.2, like the recreations of the new Xbox weapons and now these level fixes.

There are a few mistakes in the Single Player levels for TRON 2.0. The next release of the Killer App Mod will fix the mistakes (that I've noticed), and also make some minor changes to improve the experience.

The change to the laser status sign behind Jet in the opening cutscene is the most "radical", of all the fixes. (If you've watched the original TRON film and observed the laser status sign there, you'll see why this change was made.) Don't worry about us going crazy with all sorts of changes. They would be too difficult to do, anyway. The goal is simply to enhance what's already there without affecting the original vision in a detrimental way.

We don't have an exact ETA for the v1.2 update. But we're looking to have it done before the end of 2014.

Thanks from the Killer App Mod team, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum or leave a comment here.

You may also want to read an earlier article showing the recreations of the new Xbox weapons added to the game.

Jan 25

TRON 3 Could Begin Filming By The End Of 2014

By TronFAQ on Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 2:54 PM
Over a year ago, there was news that the sequel to TRON Legacy — TRON 3, for lack of a better name right now — was on a fast-track for release, perhaps as early as this year.

Now, Crave Online has word from Bruce Boxleitner, TRON himself, that TRON 3 might begin filming at the end of 2014, with a possible 2015 release. The article also mentions a number of other interesting tidbits.

The script is being written by new writers Jesse Wigutow and David DiGilio, with Legacy's writers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz out of the picture. This doesn't concern me too much, in spite of the fact that these new writers don't have a lot in the way of prior writing credits. Giving the script to some new blood might actually lead to a better story . . . because Legacy's story was definitely its achilles heel. Joseph Kosinski, director of TRON Legacy, is likely to return though.

Cillian Murphy, who appeared as Ed Dillinger Jr. in TRON Legacy as a cameo, is rumored to be returning as Jr. for a pivotal role in TRON 3.

Which leads to the third revelation: that much of the film will be occurring in the real world, with only a limited amount of time spent inside the computer, in the electronic world. The focus of the sequel's plot, will apparently be Sam Flynn and Alan Bradley trying to retain control of ENCOM. With Dillinger Jr. attempting to take the company for himself.

That's definitely not the kind of news, that I want to hear, as a fan of TRON. While I believe the takeover attempt by Dillinger Jr. will make for a potentially interesting story twist on screen, I wouldn't want TRON 3 to dwell on it so much that it's to the detriment of scenes in the computer world. The electronic world is what fans of TRON want to see, not the mundane world of reality which they can get in any other film.

Thanks to Nikefutbolero on TRON-Sector for the heads-up.

PC Games Hardware Lists TRON 2.0 Among Top 10 Video Games Adapted From Films

By TronFAQ at 2:54 PM
PC Games Hardware Germany just released a video highlighting their picks of the Top 10 video games licensed and adapted from films.

TRON 2.0 made the list at number 5, a pretty respectable ranking. It even managed to beat out some titles like the recent Ghostbusters video game (which actually was pretty good), the Dune games (like the Dune II RTS, which is quite old but it was a great game as well), and the LucasArts Indiana Jones adventures (they show Lost Crusade).

And even though they don't mention it, it's clear they were using the Killer App Mod for some of the TRON 2.0 footage. Sweet. (You can see the Gold Cheat option.)

From what I can tell, PCGH seem to feel that TRON 2.0 was a better sequel . . . or, at least that TRON Legacy owes a lot to 2.0.

TRON 2.0 is featured at the 5:13 mark.